Frequently asked questions
Here is a sample of questions and answers about tension stabilizers. If you have further requests, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to reply!
What are the consequences of a high voltage for my building?
A high voltage has a negative impact on two levels: first, the electricity bill will be higher and second, the lamps and electrical engines in the building will heat more, which may reduce their lifespan by half.
How does a tension stabilizer work?
The voltage fluctuates at the mains – typically in Europe, between 207 and 253 volts, according to the EN 50160 norm. Although it does not affect the functionality of the electric loads – designed to work within this range – it affects the electricity consumption. Stabilizing and reducing the electrical voltage directly saves energy and increases the lifetime of electrical devices and equipments.
Will I still have enough power in my building with a voltage stabilizer?
Yes, you will not notice the difference and all your electrical lamps and devices will work normally with a stabilized voltage at 212 volts.
I already have LED lamps, will I still have any savings with a voltage stabilizer?
Yes, of course! LED lamps have a lower electricity consumption than older bulbs, but you will still get 7-8% direct saving. but more importantly, you might see their lifespan double or even triple with a stabilized voltage around 210-212 volts, as this would avoid unnecessary heating of your LED lamps. Scientific studies conducted by Zurich University have confirmed that if a LED lamp's temperature is lowered by 10 degrees, its lifespan increases by 140%. With a voltage stabilizer, the LED lamp's temperature is around 40 degrees, whereas it could reach 70 degrees if the voltage is at 240 volts. Moreover, with all the LED lamps on and producing such heat, the air conditioning system will switch one much more often in the building.
How will I also lower my CO2 emissions?
With a voltage stabilizer, the CO2 emissions will be lowered thanks to the direct and indirect savings. In Switzerland, with every kWh used, about 200g of CO2 are produced. If you can double the lifespan of all your electrical appliances, you will save all the CO2 linked to the manufacturing, distribution and transport of the appliances that you will not have to replace.
How much will I save with a voltage stabilizer?
By lowering the voltage at 212 volts, your peak power use will be lower and your electrical devices will be more efficient : this is the direct average saving of 10% on electricity. With a lower tension in your building, all your electrical appliances will be protected against voltage peaks and will also heat less, which can double their lifespan. This means that you may save 50% on your busget for repair, maintenance and depreciation of your electrical appliances.
What will be my return on investment?
The return on investment depends on your direct and indirect savings potential, but also on your electricity price, that can cost the double depending where your building is located in Switzerland. The more you pay, the more electricity you use and the more appliances you have in the building, the shorter will be the payback period. Typically, the return on investment of an optimal tension stabilizer is lower than 5 years for a yearly consumption over 200'000 kWh.
How does the rental model work?
If you don't want to buy the voltage stabilizer, it is also possible to opt for the rental model. In this case, once the direct and indirect savings have been calculated, an offer is made to the client to share the savings. For example, if a building has a savings potential of CHF 2'000.- per month, the client will pay a rental of CHF 1'000.- per month and keep the difference. Usually, rental contracts are signed for a period of 5 to 7 years.